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Gold (IHG)

IOTA Heroes Gold (IHG) is a fundamental in-game currency in IOTA Heroes which facilitates various transactions and activities within the game. Here are some key aspects of the gold token:

Token NameGold
Token SymbolIHG
Contract Address0x3bBb9B7848De06778fEE4fE0bC4d9AB271e56648

Token Supply

There is no max supply, all Gold is minted on adventures and burned in the general store, trading post etc.


  • Players can earn gold through successful adventures, trading with other players, or other in-game activities.
  • Gold can also be bought with SMR or other cryptocurrencies in the marketplace.


  • Upgrading Facilities: Players can spend gold to upgrade training facilities which in turn, helps in improving the skills and attributes of heroes.
  • Training Heroes: Gold is required for training heroes to level up and become stronger for facing tougher challenges.
  • Purchasing Items: Essential items, weapons, and armors can be bought using gold to equip heroes for adventures.
  • Crafting: Gold is used in crafting new items by combining existing items at the Reforging Station.


  • Gold can be traded among players providing a fluid economy within the IOTA Heroes community.
  • The value of gold may fluctuate based on supply, demand, and other game dynamics.

The Gold token plays a pivotal role in enhancing the gameplay and community interaction in IOTA Heroes, making it a crucial part of the game's tokenomics.