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Meet the Team

Our tale begins in the heart of winter, December 2021, where two visionary souls, Crelde and Freshcakes, converged with a singular vision. With a blend of technical prowess and artistic magic, they embarked on an extraordinary quest to birth the world of Fortuvia. Here, they envisioned a realm where every adventurer could experience the thrill of exploration, the camaraderie of battles, and the joy of unearthing treasures buried in lore.

Crelde, with a rich vein of experience in software engineering, found his imagination ignited by the emergent magic of web3 games. His hands danced over the code, breathing life into the heart of Fortuvia, crafting the logical sinews and bones that would support this vast, living world. Each line of code was a spell, each algorithm a charm, merging to form the body of a universe that throbbed with possibilities.

Beside him, Freshcakes, an artist of rare talent, conjured the visual essence of Fortuvia. With every stroke of his brush, he painted the dreams and fears of heroes, the glory and dread of battlefields, the beauty and mystery of Fortuvia's landscapes. His art was not merely a feast for the eyes but a call to adventure that resonated in the heart of every beholder.

Together, they were more than the sum of their parts. They were dreamers, creators, pioneers venturing into the unknown realms of gaming. Unfettered by the constraints of VC funding, their vision remained undiluted, pure, and resolutely focused on delivering a captivating, player-centric experience. The core of IOTA Heroes was not just about coding and artistry; it was about forging a community bound by shared adventures, common quests, and the collective narrative that every player contributed to.

Their invitation to feedback was not a mere formality. It was a genuine call to the community to be co-creators, to share in the vision, to contribute to the legend that IOTA Heroes was evolving into. Each suggestion from the community was a gem, each critique a compass that guided the refinement of the gaming experience.

As IOTA Heroes continues to evolve, so does the bond between Crelde, Freshcakes, and the thriving community of adventurers. It's a living testament to what vision, passion, and collaboration can achieve.

The realm of Fortuvia is not just a game. It's a narrative, a community, a shared dream that continues to unfold with every passing day. And at the heart of this dream are the creators and the community, forging ahead, exploring the uncharted, battling the unknown, and crafting legends that will echo through the annals of the virtual and real worlds.

Join us in this remarkable journey. Be a hero, be a creator, be a part of the legend. Welcome to IOTA Heroes!